Friday 27 July 2012

There's a bear in there ...

On Mum's first trip to Canada, she was pretty excited about the possibility of seeing a bear.  This time, she wasn't fussed, thinking that there are some animals that it's perhaps best you not see in the wild.  Well, whether she wanted to see them or not, there they were ... all SIX of them!  Now, you'd consider yourself lucky if you saw one bear on your trip, let alone six bears in the one day!  Luckily, we only saw one (Number 1) on foot, that was at Cameron Lake early in the day before our hike to Wall Lake.  The others were all spotted from the safety of the car, one on the way back from our hike and the other four in the evening on the best bear-spotting-road in Waterton (Red Rock Canyon road if you're interested).  In the excitement of it all, the photos I took aren't fabulous, but hey, we saw SIX bears in one day!

Bear Number 1

Bear Number 2 (blink and you'll miss it!)

Bear Number 3

Bear Number 4

Bear Number 5

Bear Number 6, a super big grizzly

(as well as noticing the bears, you should have also noticed the very pretty wildflowers that were in full bloom everywhere!)

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