Wednesday 2 February 2011

The Diary of a Madman ...

This is the last week of the play, 'The Diary of a Madman' featuring Geoffrey Rush.  Tickets were sold out months ago, but each day, standing room tickets are released for that evening's performance.  I have been so desperate to see Geoffrey Rush on stage that I sent C. off on the 8 am ferry to try to get us some tickets for tonight.  He arrived to a huge line, where apparently the person at the head of the queue had been waiting since 4 o'clock this morning!  Needless to say, we missed out on tickets ... very disappointed.  Maybe we'll do the next best thing and rent a movie featuring Geoffrey Rush ... at least we'll be able to sit down to watch it.


Jared said...

Highly suggest you see "The Kings Speech" when it comes out in Australia if it hasn't already - brilliant, and lots of Rush in it.

Heh... I actually had breakfast with Mr G. Rush a few years ago. Well, he was at the table next to me :)

Anna Davidson said...

Already seen it twice!!! (once last night ... it was the next best thing!) Great, isn't it?! :-)