Tuesday 11 January 2011

Running with the Tarahumara ...

Last week, I mentioned a book I was reading, 'Born to Run' by Christopher McDougall.  I've just finished it and thought I'd mention what a perfect book it is for me ... it satisfied my love of true adventure stories and even better, it called strongly to my inner running nerd.  The whole book came about when the author questioned the reason behind his feet hurting when he ran.  He was curious about why his feet hurt while running a few kilometres when the ancient Tarahumara tribe in Mexico could run hundreds and hundreds of kilometres without any injury and ... in bare feet.  The book is a wonderful mix of adventure, science, history and humour.  It has certainly inspired me to think more carefully about the way I run and provided some more motivation to keep running  (it also allowed me to self diagnose myself with plantar fasciitis ... and to think that I thought it was normal to hobble around with painful heels for the first hour of each day!)  If you're in need of a little more inspiration to head out for a run, check out this great video about the Tarahumara and their amazing abilities:

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