Tuesday 17 January 2012

An unlikely event ...


Yesterday, I had a very funny and unlikely experience.  As I was walking home along the beach promenade, I came across a blonde girl who looked incredibly familiar.  It took me a moment to work out where I knew her from until I finally figured out that I know her as 'SHE In China', a Swedish girl whose blog I followed before, during and after my time living in Wuxi.  I approached her and (startled her I'm sure) asked if she was, indeed, Jonna from Shanghai.  She was and we had a lovely chat about living in China, what we were both up to and the beauty of Australia.  It was such a surreal experience - an Australian girl meets a Swedish girl and her Finnish boyfriend in Manly after ‘knowing’ each other as a result of reading one another’s blogs in China.  It is a small world indeed.

Looking down the Bund

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