Sunday 24 January 2010

More censorship in China ....

It seems that someone is finally standing up to China and their ridiculous censorships ..... after placing too many censorships on Google searchs, Google has finally had enough and is threatening to pull out of China altogether.  Good on them, I say.  Just before I left, a friend tried to google the company 'Freedom Furniture' and wasn't able to locate anything ..... but once she tried 'furniture freedom', bingo!  Talk about illogical.

Then there is the Avatar issue .... after being available at cinemas freely for some time, China has banned it (just the 2D version) from cinemas.  Their reasons?  Well, they couldn't quite make up their minds so they're going with two ideas, the first being that it may cause political unrest - are they worried that the Chinese citizens think the people of Pandora are real?!  The second reason is that the Hollywood blockbuster is taking money  away from the domestic film industry.  But the 3D version is still showing .... where is the logic in that?

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