Monday 18 October 2010

Happy Persons Day!

Thanks to five Canadian women (only 4 are pictured here), women are now considered to be people.  After their claim - that women should be considered as persons - was rejected by Canada's supreme court in 1928, they took their fight to the high court in Britain.  On 18 October 1929, it was officially decided that yes, indeed, women were people!  In Canada, 'Persons Day' is celebrated each 18 October.  Happy Persons Day eveyone!

Nelly McClung

Henrietta Muir Edwards and Louise McKinney

Emily Murphy


Jared said...

That's nuts! It's amazing how much ideals can change in less than a hundred years. Can you imagine if Canada's supreme court handed down that ruling today? They would be stoned in public!

Anna Davidson said...

Yep, isn't it crazy?!