Monday 6 June 2011

Two weeks in ...

It's been 2 weeks since a drop of alcohol has passed my lips.  That's not a very common occurrence in my life.  Not that I normally drink a lot, but I do enjoy a glass of wine a few times a week and a beer every now and again.  But I'm quite enjoying this little break (and enormous challenge).  There is definitely something to be said about waking up on a Saturday or Sunday morning without the dull and cloudy head that often arrives the morning after a few glasses of wine.  For starters, I am having the most wonderful sleeps at night.  I fall asleep easily, sleep the whole night through and am woken each morning from an incredibly deep sleep by my alarm.  I also have so much more energy.  I'm particularly enjoying my gym workouts where I'm feeling fitter and stronger as well as trying new and more challenging exercises.  And, I've also noticed that the few kilos I've been meaning to lose are beginning to melt away.

This weekend was a tough one though as C and I attended a wedding and were invited to several afternoon drinking sessions in the rare Calgary sunshine.  The wedding was particularly tough and I pretty much had to tie my hands behind my back to stop myself from reaching for that tempting glass of bubbles.  Once people knew we (C has joined my crusade) weren't drinking, it was much easier.  And, I was so proud of myself at the end of the evening.  The drinks sessions were also fairly easy to avoid as we just politely declined them, instead choosing to enjoy the sunny days walking around the river and gardening.

The thing I'm missing most of all is not the social drinking, but the glass of wine that I so enjoy while I'm cooking dinner or curled up on the couch reading a book.  Instead, I make a 'cran and soda' (cranberry juice with soda water and a wedge of lime - very Canadian) in a wine glass.  Not quite the same, but it will get me through the rest of my alcohol free month.

C likes to joke that I'll be joining the Temperance Movement next but there is no chance of that.  After a month long break, I'll be ready to return to alcohol, albeit with a much stronger willpower (and pancreas!) - only having 1-2 drinks at social events and cracking open a bottle of wine on a more infrequent basis.  I'm sure it will be tough, but I know my body (and my mind) will thank me for it.

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