Wednesday 9 November 2011

Back to the books ...

View from my study 'desk' yesterday afternoon

Several weeks ago, I completed the coursework component of my Masters course - 3 units in gifted education and 1 in research methods.  Early next year, I will begin the thesis component and I'm hoping to knock it over in 6 months so that I will be study-free once I start full-time work in a school (positive thinking - I am going to find a job in Calgary!).  However, despite the fact that I have finished the required work for Monash University, I've still got uni work to complete.  Last week, I began a course with Athabasca University.  Completing a course in Canadian Studies is the only thing I have left before I can be a fully certified teacher in Alberta.  At first I thought it would be a (expensive - $1500) drag, but once I saw the huge range of course options, I began to look forward to this requirement.  After eliminating the boring (to me) subjects and the ones that require exams (I don't like exams, I much prefer a nice long essay), I ended up choosing 'The Women's West: Women and the Canadian Frontier Settlement'.  So far, I'm really enjoying the readings and I'm learning lots about the role of women, particularly native women and Metis (half Indian, half White) women, in the fur trade in the 1800s.  Whilst I'm enjoying all this study, I do look forward to April, when I will have finished this course and (hopefully) July when I will have a Masters degree to my name.  Anna Davidson, BTeach (Primary), BAppSci (Human Movement), MEd (Gifted Education) ... it looks very sophisticated doesn't it?  PhD next perhaps?  Doctor Davidson?!

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