Tuesday 29 November 2011

Working out, beach style ...

Whilst I'm in Manly for the summer, I'm taking advantage of some of the popular beach side exercise options that are available.  I've signed up with Vital Fit and have been enjoying the twice weekly 6 am beach side circuit and boxing classes, which normally involve a lot of running on the soft sand which I find incredibly challenging.  I've also signed up with Power Living, a very popular (last week, one of the classes had 70 people in it!) yoga studio that specialises in hot (30 degrees, so not as hot as bikram) yoga.  So far, I've been going three times a week and absolutely loving it - the stretching and the light and relaxed feeling that I get when I've finished are such great feelings.  It's also been a good 'character building' exercise for the perfectionist that I am because I'm not very good at yoga and have to satisfy myself with trying my hardest rather that trying to perfect each pose.  And of course, the other benefit of power yoga is the numerous half naked men who are in each class!  Exercising beach side has been a welcome change from working out in the gym and running at altitude.

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