Monday 8 March 2010

Book and movie .... movie only .... book only .... What do you do?

There are divided opinions on stories that have both a book and movie version.  For some, it's exciting to discover that a great book is going to be featured on the big screen.  For others, they prefer to take the lazy option and just wait for the film version.  And for many, the book/movie combination is a big literary no-no.  For the most part, I fall into the last category.  If I've read a great book, I have no desire to see the movie because the movie generally spoils the images in my head.  I'm not so rigid about going the other way though .... if it's a great movie and the book has good reviews, I'll probably give in and read it.  On the weekend, I watched a fantastic movie and surprised myself by racing out to get the book from the library the next morning.  The movie is Freedom Writers, a movie I'd never heard of (well, I was in China, when I bought it, so maybe it was at the cinemas) but was immediately mesmorised by it.  It tells the story of a first year teacher in a rough gang school in America and how she broke down the racial barriers between students by exploring the big ideas of tolerance and change.  I found myself crying in the movie and even now, several days after I saw it, thinking about the story and the messages in the movie.  The book is equally as riveting .... I found myself reading it as I brushed my teeth this morning.  The story of the Freedom Writers is truly inspiring, from a teaching perspective and that of a student.  You can check out more on their website,  So, which are you?  Book/movie, movie only or movie and then book?

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