Wednesday 24 August 2011

Canoeing on the Kootenay River ...

T's handmade canoe on the bank of the Kootenay River

On Saturday, I thought I was a true Canadian after my dip in the icy waters of the Wigwam, but apparently not.  According to many Canadians, the sign of a true Canadian is one who can make love in a canoe.  Well, I'm definitely not a true Canadian, because I could barely trust the canoe not to tip over whilst sitting in it, let alone contemplate making love inside of it!  On Sunday morning, T (cousin R's husband) took us out in his beautiful handmade canoe for a two hour paddle on the Kootenay River.

Sunshine on the Kootenay

Cows on the river bank

For the most part, the river was running pretty fast, so the paddling was easy.  Towards the end of our trip, it slowed down significantly, so we had to paddle a little harder.  Along the way, we saw quite a lot of wildlife - three river otters playing in the shallows, deer on the banks, lots and lots of cows, several eagles and finally at the end of our trip, a beaver lodge.  Unfortunately, no beavers were to be seen, so they remain high on my 'Canadian animals to-see' list.  We were lucky to have the opportunity to go canoeing with T who is such a knowledgeable local character.  This short trip has inspired future canoeing trips, possibly combined with some camping.

Heading down a small side river to explore

Stopping for a snack

An eagle enjoys the early morning sunshine

Still, still water

Reflections on the water

My first ever sighting of a beaver lodge

Carrying the canoe up to the road to be picked up

Looking back on where we'd been

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