Wednesday 16 June 2010

True food ....

After 18 months of a diet rich in MSG, white rice and beer, since I've been back in the western world, I've been trying to detox my body and get back on the healthy eating wagon.  Over the past few weeks, I've been reading a range of books on eating naturally and was happy to see that my diet is pretty good - my diet mainly consists of natural foods, including lots of fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, whole grain products, yoghurt, fetta cheese, meats and fish (and chocolate of course!).  My problem is that I probably eat too much of all of those things.  Based on what I read, I decided to make a few changes to my diet, mainly in how I prepare foods.  Last night, I took a trip to Community Natural Foods and made some purchases - coconut oil (safer to heat at a high temperature), agave syrup (as a sugar replacement in baking), brown rice flour and an organic fruit and vegetable wash (to remove pesticides).  I also found some great snack bars hiding amongst the other, chemical filled choices.  L'A'ABAR bars are filled with natural, yummy things.  I tried the chocolate coconut bar with the following ingredients - dates, almonds, dried coconut and cocoa powder - that's it.  No nasties at all!

Living on the ranch means that I have more time to cook at home and I'm really enjoying trying out new dinner recipes and baking some healthy but yummy treats to share with the kids.  One of my favourite foods at the moment is my homemade muesli, which contains rolled oats, brown rice flakes, unsweetened coconut flakes, walnut pieces, slivered almonds, cranberries, sultanas, chopped dried apricots, flax seeds, chia seeds, amaranth seeds and sunflower seeds.  Mix it with some plain yoghurt, eat with almond milk and hot berries or use it as a fruit crumble topping.  Delicious!

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