Yesterday afternoon, I was looking forward to a quiet night on my couch with some homemade soup and a DVD. It wasn't to be.......
After deciding to go to Amy's place for a few glasses of wine, I intended to head back to the comfort of my couch but somehow got convinced to slap on some make up and some nice clothes and head into town. After a quick getting ready session and several drinks (and possibly some singing under the fairy lights), Amy and I jumped in a cab to meet the others at Blue Bar, an Australian owned bar in Wuxi down town.
Getting ready to head out.
In the rush to get ready, Amy and I both failed to check if we had shaved under our arms - charming!
Despite not wanting to go out, I was so glad I did, there were heaps of expats at Blue Bar and it was great to meet some new, young faces - some were very young and made me feel a little old! I did however happen to meet a lovely Brazilian man, who I'm looking forward to catching up with again this week. Which leads me to a loaded topic here in Wuxi - men and romance. My fellow 'white female in China' bloggers, Amy and 'She in China' (from nearby Suzhou) have written about this in the last week, and it's an interesting issue, particularly for us girls in our 20s.
Amy tying the cherry stalk with her tongue.
I have touched on the male expatriate demographic in earlier posts but to refresh your memory - they are nearly all old, overweight and balding. But over the past few months, I've had the good fortune to meet some younger, lovely men here in Wuxi. But, it's not as simple as it might be back in Australia. Here, you are never sure how long people will be in Wuxi for and there is a constant changing of expatriate faces. Many of the men also are a lot more interested in the Chinese or Asian girls as well, so the pickings for us white girls with normal figures are quite slim. But most of us here (me included) certainly didn't come to China looking or hoping for a relationship to eventuate, it is just such a different lifestyle here and everyone comes from such different cultures and backgrounds - that's what makes it fun I guess. So, for the time being, it's all about having fun, meeting lots of new people and enjoying life in China!
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