Thursday 1 September 2011

No more 'distracted driving' ...

Cartoon from Tuesday's Calgary Herald

As of today, Albertan drivers are no longer allowed to be 'distracted' whilst driving.  According to the Alberta Transport website, 'distracted driving' includes
  • using hand-held cell phones
  • texting or e-mailing
  • using electronic devices like laptop computers, video games, cameras, video entertainment displays and programming portable audio players (e.g., MP3 players)
  • entering information on GPS units
  • reading printed materials in the vehicle
  • writing, printing or sketching, and
  • personal grooming

It seems strange that it has taken so long for this rule to be enforced, given that using your mobile phone has been banned for a long time in Australia.  Other Canadian provinces have introduced the law and taken it seriously, nabbing hundreds of drivers daily for breaching the 'distracted driving' law.  The penalty here in Alberta will be $172 per conviction.  The law doesn't really affect me, as I try not to use my mobile phone in the car (although I do send texts whilst stopped at traffic lights and make the occasional call), but I guess I'll have to stop sketching in the car.

On another first of September note, it's the first day of school for North America today, and also the first day of winter it would seem with a huge dump of snow on the Rockies.

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