Friday 2 July 2010

Happy Canada Day!

Sunset over the Gulf Islands

Yesterday was Canada Day, the birthday of this surprisingly young nation.  Officially, Canada Day celebrates the joining of the British North American colonies of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and the Province of Canada into a federation of 4 provinces on 1 July 1867 (thanks Wikipedia!).

Like Australians, Canadians love a public holiday, so of course, the country's birthday is celebrated with a public holiday, complete with the usuals - BBQs, picnics, drinking and fireworks.  Since we (my employers and I) have complete flexibility in our scheduling, it was decided that we would take today off instead of actual Canada Day, which was yesterday.  A sensible decision, given that there was a large party on the island last night and both the students and their teacher were up later than normal.  At the party, I met lots of other summer time 'locals', families that live on the Canadian mainland and spend their summers here in the Gulf Islands.  Good company, good wine and good food, all served up in a spectacular location, what more could you want on Canada's birthday?  Well, some fireworks of course and perhaps a rendition or two of 'O Canada'.  Happy birthday Canada.

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